Thursday, April 25, 2019

Starting to sink in?

It's Thursday and we are still at Medina Lake Thousand Trails outside of San Antonio Texas. What makes that special is that it's Thursday and when I woke up I had to check my calendar to see what day of the week it is. We spend our whole life living with a central focus of our job. The Todo list and recurring schedule of the job keeps minor  details such as what day it is fresh in our minds. But as all of our retired friends already know, now every day is equal. No more waiting for the weekend to take a breather. All we see now is that the world seems busier on the weekends when all the working folks are trying to squeeze in all the stuff they could not do during the week. Shopping at 2pm on a Tuesday is a whole new experience.

Anyway, we will me here until May 1st and then move on to Cedar Brakes Army Corps park in Georgetown Texas. This is a park we have camped at for as long as we have been in Texas. It is one of our favorites and has many wonderful memories for us. While there I get a chance to reconnect with my youngest son Jon who is married and has my newest granddaughter who I will meet for the first time. I can hardly wait.

So if I haven't  bored you already, stay tuned for the true beginning of our adventure as we begin our trek West. And if you happen to be on the road,  or along our
path, perhaps we will see you somewhere in one of our... Next Hundred Miles.

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