Monday, July 22, 2019

It has been a while... We are in La Connor Washington

We have learned that a retiree's work is never done. In the photo above we had gone in search of firewood and found this wonderful source. Cindy carried it back to our campsite and I cut it and split it. 

Ok, so the source and the carry is a joke, but the pile of wood is not.  We met a guy who pulls wood from logging sites and splits it into firewood. The price was too good to pass up.

Our time in the PNW has so far been incredible. In fact so much so that we extended our stay at the La Connor park. This place has absolutely everything we could possibly want and more. 

One of our highlights was meeting some new friends named Al ... Well actually Alpaca. Their real names are Miakoda, or Mia for short, Eldora, and Chai. 

This has long been on Cindy's bucket list and it did not dissapoint. 

These are amazing animals, soft as a kitten and as smart as a dog.  They are clean, have no odor, and enjoy affection. 

Equally amazing was the farm's owner Kathy. Originally from S. Africa, she has led an incredible life and was mesmerizing as she told us of her life. An incredible lady who has an equally incredible husband. He actually bicycled from here to Mexico. (He is 70 years old!)

It could not have been a better experience and we can't thank Kathy enough for the experience. 

We have been on a steady diet of exploration and fresh produce. We have hiked and biked all over the area and won't begin to get to all the places we would like to. 

There seems to be limitless amounts of fruit and produce at local farm stands. Almost every night we have some kind of fresh fruit for desert and will certainly miss that when we move on.

The hiking and biking have been amazing as well. Every trail is an adventure packed with scenery and views to die for.

On one of our bike rides there was a bridge over a tidal basin and as we crossed we spotted a mama and baby seal. How cool is that!

Even the park we are staying in, which is water side, has some wonderful water views with amazing tides and incredible sunsets across the water. This park is on Reservation land so almost everything is protected... Even the driftwood on the beach.

This past weekend we attended "Ship Wreck Fest" which is one of the largest swap meets in the state. We walked away empty handed except for some exotic cheeses and a few more pounds of local cherries and peaches. 

In the downtime we enjoy our campfires and occasionally even cook over them 😀

We have another 7 days here before we move on to our next campground in Monroe Washington. Over the next month we will be meeting up with our good friends Don and Claudia, and Bob and Pearl. We are looking forward to catching up with both.

I have included a link below to the Alpaca farm in case you get into this area. It is well worth the stop, both to meet the Alpacas and get to know Kathy.

For us, you can bet we are just kicking back by a fire, eagerly anticipating the adventures of The Next Hundred Miles!

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