Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Where have we been?

Our current location near Santa Barbara CA

Wow... Retired and too busy to keep up the blog.  Who woulda thought? It's a lame excuse but it seems like there just aren't enough hours in the day.

A "Zonkey" in Solvang

Anyway, we finished Oregon and moved into California. We were welcomed to the state with wild fires and power blackouts.


Without fail, every campground we have stayed at had been outside the range of our T-mobile service, and most have not had Wi-Fi at the site. So while certainly not impossible, blogging has not been easy.

The Giant Artichoke

But enough excuses.

So much time has passed, and we have been through so many places, I am simply going to catch up by inserting some of our best pictures.

Tunnel at Lake Hetch Hetchy

More than anything I wanted everyone to know we are still alive, still loving the lifestyle and having a super time.

The Redwoods

We will continue heading south the rest of the year with Thanksgiving in Soledad Canyon outside of LA, Christmas and New Years in Pio Pico near San Diego, and then start 2020 with Julie and Steve (Cindy's sister and brother-in-law who also full time). Great times ahead!

Black Bear in Yosemite

Thanks for reading!

Fern Grotto Klamath River CA

Big Tree (that's the real name)

Waterfall Klamath River

Hetch Hetchy Reservoir

Bridal Veil Falls Yosemite

Glacier Point Yosemite

Rock Crawling in Pinnacles Nat PK

Jeremy (Cindy's son)

Lake Cachuma CA

Morrow Bay CA

And so much more!

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