Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Night At A Casino (we won 😁)

When our travel from one place to another is more than 3 hours we try to find a stopping point somewhere in the middle for a quick overnight stay.  Many businesses allow and even encourage this. Most notable is Walmart among others. Also most casinos welcome RVers for overnight stays. That's how we ended up at Blue Water Casino in Parker AZ.

The casino sits right on the Colorado River and even has a Marina and wakeboard cable ski area with ramps. Cool!

Anyway, most casinos have a pretty decent buffet. In this case it featured prime rib among the usual fare.  They typically have a players card or membership that is free and gets you a discount on the buffet. We aren't gamblers so we typically eat and run.

This particular casino has $10 in free slot play for new members, plus a spin on a slot machine at the registration desk. This was a chance for an additional $100 in free play.

Cindy and I went up to register, went through the formalities and then I stepped up to take my free spin. Ding ding ding... Winner!

I won $100 in free play. What? Really? Yup. In fact they gave me the $10 sign up money too so I had $110 free!

Of course you can't just cash that in. You have to play it. The bet gets subtracted from the free play money but the winnings go onto your card which you can cash out.

So long story short, I won $93 playing with the free play money. Of course not being gamblers we cashed out and left. And for those of you who do gamble, I realize this was chicken feed, but for us it was hitting the Lotto.

Oh, and Cindy won $3 too 😁

We got a free place to stay for the night, the winnings payed for our dinner and drinks, and we walked out with about $50 in our pockets.  For us this was a very good night😁

I still have some catching up posts coming and tonight we are staying at The Rock Springs Pie Company. You can bet that will justify a post 😀

Thanks for reading!

Cindy and Terry

By the way, you can follow our location in near real time at (our username is CaTGoss)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing better than free money. Just be sure to report it to the IRS. Love the blog....jealous for sure
