Sunday, April 12, 2020

General Health Update (No Corona)

All is well with us and we hope it is for you too!

My doctors have told me since my diabetes diagnosis that I should be focused on diet and exercise. But I pushed that aside believing I was already doing enough. 

During our Corona lockdown I started a solid daily walking routine. As you can see from above, I am averaging between 7 and 8 miles per day. That is 57 miles total for the week or a daily average of 8.14 miles per day.
Since many people use steps as their exercise measurement I thought I would include that as well. As you can see from above, I am hitting between 16 and 22 thousand steps per day. For the week I had 145,243 for a daily average just over 20,000 steps.

All of that is good, but the real prize is my blood glucose readings. For the week I had 100% of my readings in the green (non diabetic) zone. My lowest was 87 where 80 is the bottom of the normal range. My highest was 117 where the top of the normal range is 120. For reference my routine readings range from 150 to 220.

Certainly this virus thing is devastating and our thoughts and prayers go out for those affected and those working on the front lines. This is a time like no other in our lifetime.

I have 2 sons working in grocery, another son and daughter with young children, and one who is traveling in South America and locked down in Columbia. We worry about each of them and hope they can get through this thing. We have family in various locations, some of which are hotspots and that really concerns us. We also have dear friends all over the US and Canada, and we worry about them as well.

But maybe in a small contorted way there can be something positive. Maybe if we each learn something from this experience we can make the future a little bit better. At least that is my hope.

Stay safe!


Cindy and Terry

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1 comment:

  1. Glad you're seeing some positives. We've had family game night twice now. Imagine that with 2 17 year old boys on a Friday or Saturday. And they enjoyed it. So it's not *all* bad!
